Yesterday was day 81 and Nic worked in the loft bedroom. I know these photos may not be too exciting to you but they excite me. By county code any attic space enclosed by a wall greater than three feet tall has to have an access door. So since our walls are five feet tall they have to have a door into the attic. The attic space also has to be sheet rocked. I think I may miss rubbing up against pink fiberglass insulation in the attic.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Day Eighty-one - Bedroom Walls
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Day Eighty - Grapes; Bedroom Door; and Vineyard Visitors
I'm in the market for a headboard and now I know, it can't be over five foot tall. Our bedroom on Hoover Avenue had sloped ceilings and a wall much shorter than 5 feet. We had to turn our bed around and put the foot against the wall and the head out toward the middle of the room.
Days Seventy-two through Seventy-nine - Shingles and Chimney
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Day Seventy one - Roof, Roof
Last Saturday morning Chris, the crane guy, came to lift the trusses into place. Nic, Derrick, and Jeff were up top. Tony, the house designer, and Bryan were on the ground.
Tony and Nic will be on the roof on Saturday laying shingles. I think the very first major home improvement project Tony ever included Nic in was putting a new roof on the Hoover Avenue house. Nic was 10 or 11. That was when we discovered that Lenny the cat could climb a ladder. Such good memories; such a bonding experience. So if any of you loyal followers want to join them on Saturday we can guarantee great memories. Jake? Bryce?
Days Forty nine through Seventy - I'm Back!!
Forgive me, followers, for I have sinned, it has been three weeks and two days since my last blog entry. I'm not sure that not blogging is a sin but trust me, I have sinned in many other ways like slothfulness; pridefulness; gluttony, well you get the idea. We won't dwell on that any longer.
So does this remind anyone else of a church ceiling?
It was interesting to see who noticed or at least commented on my absence. Susie and Maggie were probably the first. Then Tony, our house designer. Even in a meeting this past Tuesday with Lee, our youth pastor, I got a gentle nudge. You would think a nudge from a "man of the cloth" would get me right on it. (Lee, when was the last time someone called you "a man of the cloth"? I'm guessing, never.) But, NO! It took an email from my sister June to get me back on the Blog. See it's that birth order thing. The oldest sister still has power over the youngest. I mean if you called the number on my cell phone for "Bossie Sister" who would answer? June, of course. So when I got this (And still no pictures on wastenot farm blog! :() in an email from June what else could I do but post a new blog entry. I do not want to be responsible for June posting frowny faces on the internet.
So let's see, what have we done since Tuesday, July 21? Well I moped around (no, I didn't ride a mo-ped, that would be mopeded around) several days feeling sorry for myself, missing my daughters a whole lot. We celebrated Tony's birthday with a hot dog and s'more roast in Jake's fire pit. (Thanks for building it, Jake. Sorry we didn't get to use it at your wedding. It had dried out nicely by August 8th.) Hilary and I picked about 70 gallons of green beans, well maybe not quite that many, but I froze 7 gallons and that is a lot of frozen green beans. (I could probably go pick another 3 gallons right now but instead I think I'll bore you a little while longer.) Tony and I both had appointments with Dr Hill, our eye doctor. We went to Columbia to get the document cabinet I bought way back over Memorial Day weekend. I picked out shingles, siding, soffits, decking, rock, etc. I comparison shopped for things like doors, lights, ceiling fans, etc. I played about 150 games of KenKen (that one probably isn't an exaggeration.) And I spent some quality time with my granddaughters. I taught Rylee how to play Sudoku and I tried to teach Andie how to play KenKen but she just doesn't seem to grasp it, yet. Oh, and I discovered Craigs List. Oh my gosh, it is a good thing I have no money.
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