Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day Seventy one - Roof, Roof

Last Saturday morning Chris, the crane guy, came to lift the trusses into place. Nic, Derrick, and Jeff were up top. Tony, the house designer, and Bryan were on the ground.
I took lots of pictures because Tony, the home owner, had to work and I didn't want him to totally miss out. It was his 57th birthday.

I had this kid in a 4-H class several yeas ago. He sure makes his job look easy. In less than two hours he had all of the trusses in place.

Being an equal opportunity family we put Hilary to work, too.

This is how the house looked this evening. The main roof; both dormers; and 3/4 of the porch roof are covered with sheeting ready for the shingles. The back porch floor/cellar roof still needs to be poured, then the roof over it can be built.

Tony and Nic will be on the roof on Saturday laying shingles. I think the very first major home improvement project Tony ever included Nic in was putting a new roof on the Hoover Avenue house. Nic was 10 or 11. That was when we discovered that Lenny the cat could climb a ladder. Such good memories; such a bonding experience. So if any of you loyal followers want to join them on Saturday we can guarantee great memories. Jake? Bryce?

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