Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day Thirty five - Uncle Bobby

Photo from Hereford (Texas) Brand.

One of my favorite people, my Uncle Bobby Owen, passed away Sunday. I left home early this morning and met my sisters, June and Ruth, in Springfield. Then we traveled (about 14 hours) together to the Texas panhandle for a time of family sharing. Link to Uncle Bobby's obituary.

There is a lot I could say about the circle of life and mountains and valleys of emotions, but I won't. We will all miss this ornery ol' man but I know he is in a much better place and I guarantee you, he is having a good time. I think he is in pretty good company, too.


  1. From the depths of my heart i thank you for the excruciatingly long journey you made to be with us. Have any extra dilly bars?

  2. Oh Brenda, it was a pleasure. I think the ol' bod is just about back to normal. I am currently debating the pros and cons of restocking Dilly Bars.
