Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day Eighteen -What He Sees, What I See

While Dan was here on Saturday helping Nic and Tony place the beam, we had him dig the holes for the water garden.  Tony and I hand dug the four ponds in the backyard in Bonne Terre.  That was five years ago and the memories are still vivid.  It was not fun!  Dan's method was much better as well as quicker.  And when it was all over, my back didn't hurt at all.

Once again, Tony and I see things differently.  This is what he sees.

This is what I see.

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful hole, and I'm glad it happened with no stress to your bod, but I'm just throwing out a wild guess that somewhere between that crude hole and your lovely fantasy is lots of opportunity for an aching back.
