Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day Four - Guest Room View

It Rained!!!
We needed a garden shower and that is just what we got.  It made the clay around the homesite slicker than slot.  That is a technical term used by soil scientist.  Dan was able to get the the rest of the footings dug and the forms built so we are still on track for pouring concrete tomorrow.  Since there was little progress to report on the house I thought I show you a couple of other things.  

We want you to know that you have a standing invitation to come visit.  Just as a teaser, this is the view from one of the guest rooms.

I was looking at the pile of rock and it occurred to me how perfect this rock would be for a waterfalls in a water garden.  Great, another project.  I was beginning to worry that I would run out of projects.


  1. Be on the lookout for a rock for me that has a bit of a depression in it, just right for a shallow bird bath. Please.

  2. Well, why don't you just plan on coming to help build the water garden and you can look for your own rock. How does next week sound?
